A Man's Best Friend

“No one who hates children and dogs,” W.C. Fields told us, “can be all bad.” But Fields is long dead now, and unlikely to consider purchasing my pictures. So a wise man will seize every chance he can get to stick children or dogs into a picture.


Found this cool little tunnel in a riverside community called Tusculum, and it was a safe bet that sooner or later a child, a dog or both would sooner or later come on through. It turned out to be a dog.


I did the best I could. Fortunately, the dog’s owner consented to letting me take a snapshot to use in finishing the picture.


So that’s my early April dog show. It’s a small picture, 12x18”. I guess I could finish it more, but I’m happy with the dog and his owner the way they are now, and would have to futz with them to match a more finished picture. Let’s just let sleeping dogs lie, shall we?